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How many days do we celebrate diwali?

It is a five-day festival that usually falls in October or November, depending on the lunar calendar.

About All 5 Days of Diwali:

Day Event
1st day Dhanteras
2nd   day Chhoti Diwali
3rd day Diwali
4th day Govardhan Puja
5th   day Bhaiya Dooj

 However, the significance of the celebration is similar irrespective of names, i.e., “victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.”

2023 Diwali Celebration Date:



The word ‘Dhanteras’ originates from two Sanskrit ones- Dhan which means wealth and Teras i.e. the 13th day of the Krishna Paksha of the Hindu lunar calendar month of Kartik.
Dhanteras is also called Dhanatrayodashi, marks the start of Diwali celebrations. as per Indian calendar (Saka), It falls on lunar day (Trayodashi Tithi) of Krishna Paksha. Tradition is people buy utensils, jewellery, vehicles, and home/kitchen appliances etc. as there is faith that the festival of Dhanteras is auspicious for buying metals or some home appliances. Devotees also worship Goddess Lakshmi (goddess of wealth) on Dhanteras for happiness, prosperity, and wealth.
Like other religious festivals, Dhanteras is also associated with a mythological anecdote. mass number of people dedicate it to Lord Dhanvantri which is medicine lord. Some of the people believe worshipping Lord Yamara and Goddess Lakshmi. so, there are total three major custom related to Dhanteras. among them, two are related with Samudra Manthan, 3rd one is associated with Lord Yamara.

Day2: Chhotti Diwali(NARAK CHATURDASHI)

According to Hindi scripture, Lord Krishna  fought the demon named Narakasura and killed him. There is custom people is waking up early in the morning and bathing with ritualistic scrubs called ubatan (made of herbs) and enjoy delectable breakfast with their family or friends. In the evening by lighting lamps. This day is also called Chhoti Diwali or the Minor Diwali. On Chhoti Diwali, there is tradition , people decorate their homes with clay lamps (diyas) and designs called rangoli.


Why do people make Rangoli on Diwali ?

according to Indian ancient text, one of the God creative adventures was to  extracted the juice from one of the mango trees as paint then he  drew the figure of a beautiful woman. Since that day ,rangoli is used for depicting beautiful forms.

DAY3:DIWALI(Lakshmi Puja)

This is main day among all 5 days, which is also called Bari Diwali. Day3 is also known as Lakshmi puja, as this day Lakshmi puja is performed who is goddess of wealth and prosperity. There is believe that Goddess Laxmi, the wife of Lord Vishnu the protector, gives abundance and wealth.

According to the epic Ramayana, Lord Rama, his wife Sita and brother Laxmana finally returned to their home called “Ayodhya” after spending 14 years of exile and defeating the demon king Raavana. so, Diwali marks Go Ram return.

on the day of Diwali, family member, friends meet together and celebrate Diwali by exchange their gift and wish to each other.



Day4:Govardhan Puja or PADWA

it is 4th day of Diwali, it is dedicated to love between husband and wife. Usually men buy gift for their wives

why we celebrate Goverdham puja?

as per indian mythology, when Lord Indra decided to punish the people of Mathura for not appeasing him, he started rained like hailstorm. To save the people and their cows, Lord Krishna lifted the Govardhan mountain on his finger. Since then, Govardhan has become a venerated object and on Govardhan Puja day of Diwali, miniature clay and cow-dung figures are made to depict the event.

Day 5:Bhai Dooj

Bhai dooj, it is last day of celebration, dedicated to brothers and sisters. This day, Sisters perform special ceremony for their brothers for their long and happy life.

Usually Sisters doing ready an aarti platter with diya, sweets, gold ring, kumkum tilak and do  aarti ritual and  praying for the long and happy  life of the brothers. Brothers also surprise the sisters with thier gifts.

Wishes you a wonderful Diwali.

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